Penn Select Timber
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Buyer of standing timber and logging companies in PA & OH
We use many markets to maximize your gains.

Does your woodlot contain logs that are too valuable to saw into lumber? Logs containing the highest grades of certain species are placed into containers such as these and shipped around the world. If it does, I will take that into account while pricing your timber.

The rustic flooring market has enabled many species of trees that formerly had little to no value become valuable saw timber.

Does your woodlot contain logs of low grade? These may be trees that have excessive branches, disease, insect, or wind damage. Perhaps they are over mature or just an off species that is not commonly demanded for furniture or construction. Left behind they will plague your woodlot by robbing the water, nutrients and sunlight and space away from you more promising trees. Many companies leave these behind not making the effort to utilize the pallet and blocking market. Maximize

Does your woodlot contain logs that are too valuable to saw into lumber? Logs containing the highest grades of certain species are placed into containers such as these and shipped around the world. If it does, I will take that into account while pricing your timber.
Place your curser over or click on the pitucres above to read about some of the specialized markets we use to price your trees higher.