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Since 1997 Penn Select Timber Inc. has offered timber appraisals and logging services in hundreds of townships across the Pennsylvania and Ohio countryside. When I graduated from Penn State University I would have never dreamed that "work" could be so enjoyable. I found myself again and in a place I where I grew up and truly love. Being outdoors everyday in the woodlands, meeting new folks and helping them achieve their objectives is a pleasurable and rewarding experience and career. Timber harvesting can be an overwhelming project for many landowners and I'm glad I can help make the timber harvest process easier for them. The best part of my job is that I get to work with my friends which are all professionals in the business. They are my logging team of true employees not sub contractors. We work together to provide an accountable logging service that handles everything from your estimate to cleanup. You can rest easy knowing your forest services will be done the right way . Selling Direct to the mill eliminates the middlemen. I'd like to thank all the Landowners that had faith in us over the years providing us with a rewarding lifetime American occupation.


After walking your woodlot  I will arrange to meet you on site and discuss your goals and objectives. I then perform the estimate (timber cruise) to determine what exactly I would do if I were you... had you, my knowledge and experience in forestry. This is how I determine the selection of trees and type of harvest for you.  Consultation concludes with my timber appraisal of your selected trees for harvest. There is no monetary charge for this service . It's FREE. Why not find out what you have in your woodlot? 


Once we agree on price we will spell it all out on paper. All timber harvest contracts with us guarantee payment in full before any work gets started. If there is one piece of advise I could give anyone, it is this.....beware of the logger that promises big money in the end. I cannot tell you how many times a frustrated landowner has called me too late to save him from an over estimated percentage deal. Don't make the infamous mistake of essentially becoming a "partner" with your logger. This is how most nightmare stories of logging start. If you cannot attract a buyer who will pay in full before cutting then at least get references!


We bond the roads, obtain  all the permits, careful felling of the trees, cutting and skidding the logs, loading and trucking of logs to our mill, then finish with bulldoze grading of skid trails and log landing sites free from debris and rutting. There is no need for you to deal with Government agencies, County or Township officials, endangered species avoidance measures or managing multiple contractors. You see, we do it all from start to finish. You completely avoid unforeseen additional costs and headaches by being paid in full in advance of any cutting.

We pay top dollar because we always need logs!

When Penn Select Timber opened up two lumber saw mills in Ohio we found even more markets that we could use for maximizing gains. We work to pay you higher prices for your standing timber.

Most timberland owners are suprised to find the wealth that was hidden in their woodlot. Depending on your own personal desires and objectives, harvesting timber can actually improve the health and growth rates of your remaining stand of timber setting up the woodlot for future returns for generations to come. After all, if you really think about it, trees are Americas only renewable resource!

It's Veneer Season 
January 2025
We have highest dollar green lumber and veneer orders for:


Standing White Oak is still demanding record high prices!                                                                                  Poplar green lumber orders for first Quarter of 2025  are up!!                                                    Since the presidential election market prices have been changing rapidly, mostly higher on most species.  If we have given you an offer and it's been more than two weeks ( sometimes weekly ) and you have not sold yet, check back with us for a possible higher offer before you sell.  We need your timber and because of this we pay as much as we possibly can!

Always get an apple to apple bid.  I've noticed that land owners are finding it increasingly difficult to get a buyer to give you a number that matches exactly which trees  our estimate is for.  There are many ways a buyer can make it seem that they are offering a fair comparison offer. For instance If anyone gives you a "diameter"   estimate and we have already individually selected trees by clearly marking each tree to be selected.. you are probably being set up for a "taking".  Beware anyone that is not willing make an apple to apple bid.

We are pleased and proud to announce that Y&B Logging and Lumber Mill (located at 51830 Darlington Rd., Negley Ohio 44441 ( Chippawa area/ state line with Beaver co. Pa) has procured Penn Select Timber Inc. to handle all of their forestry and logging operations from Consultation to site retirement.  We are NOT a middleman!  Penn Select is paid by the mill based on an annual Fee. When I purchase your standing timber you will be selling directly to this mill! These folks are long time honest and trusted friends of mine. As a family run modern automated lumber mill and sales yard they provide me 100% salaried experienced logging employees AND company owned logging machinery!  Not  sub-contractors!!!  I have full control from estimate to harvest site retirement.  Folks, watching sub-contracted logging crews destroy my clients woodlots was the main reason I stopped selling to mills and stopped putting landowners property up for bids!  Not to mention that I never knew if everyone working on site ( in the worlds most dangerous occupation ) with the sub-contractor was even a  insured employee!  Having a forester working for a lumber mill that has control of his personal cutting crews is nearly unheard of in this industry! EVERYONE on our mill's harvest crew is a experienced family relative, salaried employee and is fully insured.  The mill also carries an unusually high 5 million dollar liability policy. My estimates almost always include the individual selection and marking of of each tree to be harvested so you know I have priced each and every tree I selected based on it's grade, species and board foot volume. This  professional  custom consultation is still free to you! You won't be talking to a broker or a run of the mill "timber buyer who calls a 14" ( decimating ) diameter cut a select cut. Those 14"-16" diameter trees are still in puberty if you will, in the fastest growing stage of saw timber and your next crop of hardwoods after this cut!  There is really no better way to contract a sale of standing timber than utilizing or services.! Oh, those letters you have been getting in the mail?...most of them are from a broker that pockets a sizable commission from your sale! I have actually seen when a broker made more on a commission than the landowner was paid for his timber!  Regardless, imagine that all your discussions and details you had with this broker concerning your harvest was never really with the mill he flipped it to ,much less than with the cheapest sub-contractor the mill could find... hired to have full control of your harvest operations! Little do many concerned landowners even realize that their harvest will only be as good as the crew is that's on the job. Will they do thousands of dollars of unnecessary damage to trees not intended for harvest? Will they tear though your woodlot with heavy machinery in an attempt to get logs out faster because they get paid piece work by the load or board foot?  You had better call or text us first, you won't regret it! Call my direct # 724-282-1731 Eric

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